Ensemble Perspectives

Five voices a cappella

Ensemble Perspectives

Five voices a cappella

Ensemble Perspectives

Five voices a cappella

Five voices at the service of a single instrument

Play List, Perspectives’ new album is available for sale!

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Perspectives’ five singers have gathered around the shared will to imagine the concert in a new perceptive space, beyond stylistic splits and well-worn paths where music often loses its Arianne’s Thread. Just like a sound structure where echoes of proportions, constructions, arches and lines revolve around each other, their programmes allow today’s ears to seize the eternal threads that link Schütz to Brahms, a Renaissance song to a modern one, making their perspectives vibrate.

The Ensemble Perspectives receives support from the Région Centre-Val de Loire, the Conseil Départemental du Loiret, the City of Orléans, BEG Ingénierie, the Foundation De la Musique avant toute chose, the Spedidam. It qualifies for PACT support in the Region of Centre-Val de Loire.

Perspectives is a member of the FEVIS.

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